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My Recipes

Welcome To My Recipes Site!

I have always loved cooking but never had the time to experiment until after I was married and had children. It was then that I was able to dip my hand into some really interesting and quite delicious recipes.
Now that my kids are teenagers I am back in the workforce, which limits the amount of time I get to experiment but I am always looking for new recipes.

On this site I've tried to assemble some of my favorite recipes, 1) so I can keep track of them myself and 2) so that others can share them. I've also included some cooking tips I've learned through the years, and links to other recipe and cooking sites that I enjoy.

I will be adding to the site as often as I can so be sure to bookmark this site & come back often.

Click on the contact me link and let me know what you think of the site. I enjoy recieving e-mails from my visitors.

Platters of gourmet food w/champagne

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